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Programm Juli 2017 Meditationen / Einzelsitzungen mit Thero
Programm Juli 2017 Meditationen / Einzelsitzungen mit Thero Die Meditationen werden übersetzt. Einzelsitzungen sind an allen Standorten möglich. Bitte mit Veranstalterin abklären, ob die persönlichen Sitzungen übersetzt werden. Mitnehmen: Matte / Decke / Meditationskissen Wochenende: Yoga Marlène / Meditation Thero Die Tage können einzeln gebucht werden: Unkostenbeitrag CHF 200
Dissemination of loving kindness friendly for a happy life

We are in a state of turmoil and are stranded because we do not understand ourselves. Most people find it difficult to manage their lives because they do not know how to achieve the goals in their lives. Already in our childhood we have tried to find happiness. And we’re still looking for it. We […]
Rev Dangala Kusalagnana thissa thero

I was born in a very remote village in the southern province of Sri Lanka on March 16, 1986 as the youngest of 6 children. I was very religiously established, very possibly, related to Samsarian (life wheel) habits. At the age of seven, I was devoted to “novice” with the permission of my parents, who […]